Ornate Handicrafts

Red Diamond Woven 4x6 Area rug

Regular price $149.00

These bright colored diamond pattern rugs are made from cotton yarn which is handwoven into rugs by our artisans. Due to the flat woven nature of the rug, can be used both sides.

Ideal for indoor/ outdoor use. Perfect rug for a casual, relaxed look making you feel right at home. Low maintenance & can be washed in the washing machine on gentle cycle.

SIZE: 4 ft. x 6 ft. / 120 cm x 180 cm

WASH CARE: Regular vacuum on reverse side of the rug to remove dust particles. Spot clean for minor spills. Machine wash on gentle cycle at room temperature & flat dry
on line.


We ship all our products worldwide via FedEx & transit time is approximately between 4-8 working days depending on the location.


We accept returns within 7 days of order receipt. Please refer to our shop policies for full details.

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